Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Viewing .svg files in MTC

Here is a short tutorial on how to view .svg files in MTC


  1. Beanie your brillant and right. I do have a question. I've been storing all my svgs on a flash drive, just in case my computer crashes. So if I was to copy them all to computer so that I can view all of them thru MTC, where do you store yours on your computer? Thanks, Cindy

  2. Thanks for the video. I learn something new everyday from this group of talented ladies.
    I love how you formated your workspace. How did you do that?
    Thanks again,

  3. Beanie, It must be me or my puter, this tut will not load either, it starts out and then goes a bit and just stops. Waiting for it just does not work. Becky

  4. Bekki I am not sure must be on your end though as others have viewed it and I also have through the blog just to make sure

  5. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [24 Mar 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  6. Thank you Beanie I watched both of them.
